Offre Stratégie et Conseil

Strategy & Consulting

We support you in all the major decisions that affect your business on Amazon

Understanding your needs and leading the way

We take a detailed look at your company, its position, competition, obstacles and opportunities, to give you the most comprehensive view possible and formulate a strategy that’s 100% specific to your business.
Our value lies in our sector experience, our analysis methodologies, our tools and our in-house sector data. We have a perfect understanding of your challenges, which enables us to identify the best opportunities, where to focus your efforts and what to do next.

Our main areas of expertise

Testimonial - High-Tech

Oppo: +35% increase in YoY smartphone sales.

Jean-Benoit Faussat - Sales Director at Oppo

Want to find out more?

Consulting firms, no matter how brilliant, don’t yet have Amazon’s understanding. Their organization by functional “practices” is not suited to Amazon, which requires a “holistic” approach, as all elements are linked: for example, Amazon Advertising, SEO and account profitability are linked, just as logistics, marketing choices and assortment are intertwined.

At Deeploy, we have an insider’s knowledge of Amazon, a global understanding of the issues and implications of every decision. In addition, we are able to mobilize Amazon consultants from our own ranks, or former Amazon employees who are experts in their field, for specific assignments.

Working with Amazon is a structuring choice for a company, and you need to master all its implications. What’s more, at Amazon, once you’ve taken a path, it’s extremely difficult to go back. For example, choosing the wrong Amazon business model and becoming a “vendor” rather than a “seller” can mean losing control of your pricing, and therefore your profitability and your price image.

A Deeploy consulting assignment enables you to make the right decisions and choose the right organization to make the most of Amazon, which will influence the course of your company for years to come.

Either upstream of a launch: opportunity study, definition of an optimal assortment or a viable business model on Amazon, definition of an efficient organization to meet Amazon standards.

Or once you’re up and running: understand the obstacles to your growth and put in place the processes needed to rectify the situation, optimize your logistics to improve your profitability…